A cease-fire has just put an end to the Vietnam War. Mankind in its entirety welcomes this news with great relief : it is the triumph of reason and soon of justice and peace.
After thirty years of resistance, the Vietnamese people can finally aspire to fully assume their national sovereignty. To do this, it had to pay a heavy price in blood, mourning and tears.
Never has the right to freedom of a people been obtained at such a high expense : an amount of bombs unprecedented in the history of mankind, four times more than in the Second World War, was dropped on the Vietnamese territory, destroying the country, crushing the progress of man and sowing terror in the population of which two million died.
With admirable stoicism, the Vietnamese people succeeding in overcoming all the tests of this merciless war which was imposed on them. Over the years, the Vietnam War ended up gaining all human consciences and became the nightmare of mankind whose indignation, for a long time contained, ended up in being expressed, in broad daylight, by mass demonstrations throughout the world.
The entry in force of the cease-fire is a great moment of contemporary history. It is also a day of glory and hope for the great forces of peace which triumphed. Among them, Algeria’s voice has got louder since the independence for the just cause of the Vietnamese people.
(Algeria Post)
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